http://www.streetsmartselfdefense.com Set up your Private or Group Training now! Real hands on training that works Anywhere, Anytime! 571-527-7757

Bullying is intimidation!

Self Defense Classes in San Diego 2016

Street Smart Self Defense Situational Simulation Drill

When, how, and what do I do when approached by a creepy or sketchy person?
http://www.streetsmartselfdefense.com Self Defense Classes in San Diego! http://www.streetsmartselfdefense.com
New !!!
Mission Valley!
4 Week Session starting February 25 2017! Contact us at 571-527-7757 for details and to sign up space limited~
Forming and starting in January in Mission Valley and we can also come to you for group, workplace , or private training in your convenient location!
Call now 571-527-7757 or Email CoachJoeChandler@Gmail.Com,
Go to www.streetsmartselfdefense.com to see live video on the home page, a free Ebook and Testimonials!
We are teaching a class for novice/untrained to advanced for Authentic Street Self Defense at my Mission Valley Location. Private. office, group and family training is also available, We will come to you! We train outside regularly for a realistic and authentic experience! Call Joe Chandler 571-527-7757 for information or email at CoachJoeChandler@Gmail.Com
We offer the smartest and most effective Street Smart Self Defense Training and Products headquartered in San Diego California! Set up your training today for your office, business, employees, group, family, community, or event. Call 571-527-7757 or go to www.streetsmartselfdefense.com for your one stop shop for Hands – On training and Personal Safety Products.
www.mydamselpro.net/joechandler has the best and most clever products available, shipped and handled in the United States. If you “NEED TO LEARN” or “TEACH SELF DEFENSE OR MARTIAL ARTS” I have found the best, most attractive and cost effective, quality PERSONAL SAFETY AND PRODUCT LINE I have seen in 30 years of teaching, packaging , design and colors are fantastic and appealing to women. It is a one stop shop located and shipped from within the US, for your studio clients or seminars/classes. Call me 571-527-7757 for any questions. You can also be a distributor for wholesale rates if you are interested.
We are offering 10% off classes and private training in October for Domestic Violence Month! Call now 571-527-7757 to set up or register for your training!